Velescope Oral Screening
- Traditional oral mucosal examination relies on reflected light to visualize the oral cavity.
- The VELscope allows the direct visualization of tissue fluorescence which complements and expands upon the view obtained by reflected light.
- Using these different visualization methods together provides an enhanced examination that decreases the likelihood of overlooking possibly serious pathology.
Natural tissue fluorescence is caused by “fluorophores” that, when excited by light of an appropriate wavelength (e.g. blue) will emit their own light at a longer wavelength (e.g. green). The resulting fluorescence reveals information about cellular, structural, and/or metabolic activity changes that can be directly related to disease processes occurring inside the tissue.
The VELscope system is a powerful, fluorescence-based device that enhances the visualization of oral mucosal abnormalities such as oral cancer and premalignant dysplasia. Unlike other adjunctive devices used by dentists, the VELscope system does not require any dyes or prolonged testing procedures.
In fact, VELscope examinations can be performed in the denturists office during routine oral general exams.