Mouth Guards
For sports and everyday normal use.
Do you play a sport that can damage your teeth from impact? We make sport mouthguard that come in a variety of colours.
We also make mouthguards you can wear during the day if you clench or grind your teeth. These are clear so they are less visible in the mouth. Different thicknesses are available.
Sport Mouthguards
Custom Fit = Better Protection
Store bought boil and bite mouth guards provide some protection at a low cost but they are usually uncomfortable and feel very large in the mouth. They also inhibit talking or breathing. Over tie the mouth guard will lose form and offer less protection.
At the Lakeland Denture Clinic, we take impressions of your teeth and form fit around them for a comfortable fit as well as allow you to breathe easily while playing your favourite sport. Here are some other benefits of a custom made sport mouthguard:
- Oxygen intake – for maximum performance & endurance
- Speech – for clear communication to your fellow teammates
- Comfort – natural and secure fit that won’t hurt your gums
- Protection – dual laminated for maximum protection
- Professional Fit – Made for a perfect fit to any mouth size
- Cool Colours & Styles